Welcome! You’re about to become a member of Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT.

Things you will need to have ready before filling out this form:
  • Allow approximately 10 minutes of dedicated time to complete the form as it does need to be completed in one sitting;

  • Child Safety Information if available

    Working with Children Check (NSW),
    Working with Vulnerable Persons Check (ACT)
    or Working with Children Clearance (NT). 
    As we are a Youth organisation this is required for all staff and adult members. There are some rare exemptions, such as some Trefoil Guild Members. If you are unsure please contact the office on 02 8396 5200;

  • Your credit or debit card for the $60 membership fee

Let's get started and complete your Trefoil Guild Form

ATTENTION: This form is not mobile friendly and must be completed on a computer

The password must be at least 7 characters long.

The information you provide is confidential and only used to assist in fulfilling your membership registration. For details about our Privacy and Data Security Policy, please visit our Privacy page.


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