Welcome! You’re about to apply to become an Adult Member of Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT (Girl Guides) 

Please allow approx. 10 mins of dedicated time to complete the form in one sitting. (If you start another form, you will create multiple Member numbers, and this will delay the process.) 

So that you can fill out this Adult Membership Application Form correctly please have the following: 

A. Guiding information: 
  • Name of the Guide District and Guide Unit you will be joining (if you know it). 
  • Name of the Girl Guide Member who interviewed you. 
  • The Role you would like to Volunteer in, e.g., Unit Helper, Unit Leader etc. (If you are applying to Volunteer). 

B. Child Safety Information if available. This includes your: 
  • Working With Children Check, Ochre Card or Working with Vulnerable People Check if available.  
  • National Police Check if you have one that is less than 6 months old.

C. Credit card for the Membership Fee payment of $168. 
  • Or alternative method of payment has been organised.  

NB: If you would prefer to start the Child Safety Check process before filling out this Adult Member Application Form, you can click below for more information: 

Let's get started and complete your Adult Membership Application Form

ATTENTION: This form is not mobile friendly and must be completed on a computer

NOTE: if you have been a Youth or Adult Member since 2000 you will have a Member number. Please do not try to re-join, please call us on 1300 447 548 or email [email protected] so we can reactivate your Profile. 
The password must be at least 7 characters long.


  • Username- this can be anything you like, e,g, Date of Birth, Email address
  • Password - Must be at least 7 characters long, contain a number and a capital.
  • Please take a moment to record your Username and Password so you are able to log into www.girlguides-nswactnt.org.au  smoothly

The information you provide is confidential and only used to assist in fulfilling your membership registration. For details about our Privacy and Data Security Policy, please visit our Privacy page.



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